Waking at dawn as a child with my mother, we peered out the window towards the pond in the field afar.

“See the fairies?” she asked.

There over the pond white wisps of fairies swirled across it as if a ballet were performing.

Right before dawn walking is the most magical time of day, and this morning the colors that appear before the sun are the most vibrant.

Walking the meadow round and round, often stopping to stare at the eastern colors as they deepened, crimson, turquoise, yellows of all shades with the most delicious hues of pinks painted alongside the ever-changing view, my spirit settled into the joy of being alive.

Then the reward of sitting creek-side, and the fairies appeared. Twirling by with their ethereal spins, dancing spritely above the water taking me back to when the fairies first came.

Dancing Fairies (SwedishÄlvalek) is a painting by the Swedish painter August Malmström (1829–1901). The painting depicts fairies dancing above the water, in a moonlit landscape.

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