The stellar beauty of pinks, and whites against the robin’s egg blue sky is as if from a magical land found in fairy tales, but it is right here, right now!

Photos by Patricia

Finally well rested, with the spring sun too, the ability to sit still with

a relaxed body is a miracle occurring…


With my fall into fall the joy of the land was forgotten, lost in the fog of seasonal depression, a month of Covid- so ill getting off the couch was hardly possible, and on-going chronic sleep deprivation.

Today as snow fell like styrofoam balls onto my gloves, the joy of walking returned. What does the rose think of the cold snow atop it, as they continue emitting their delicate scent?



The meadow changes her colors once again, from buttercups and daisies to the lacy beauty of Queen Ann. An early morning walk before the heat and humidity became oppressive revealed joyful splendor. The morning goddess appeared!

The drop on the leaf had a fiery glow like a diamond dazzling my eyes walking by, little bunny scampered away, and a serene peaceful quiet entered my core as the soft breeze in the trees whispered, welcome.

The comfort of nature brings joy.


MY SECRET GARDEN– photos by Patricia

And so, the summer slips away as little signs show its passing, the sun moving southward each night setting a little further over. My arms want to grasp the birds, don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t leave. But soon, and not as far away as most might think, they will be leaving, my friends, my morning orchestra.

Yet each day is taken as gold, and used as fully as possible depending on the quality of sleep the night before. Yet even then, the belief is driven home that the day can be turned around and made a diamond too.

A hot morning digging dirt, saving the many tiny bulbs to replant later, hours of digging merrily then splashing in the pool to flush away dirt, sweat, and heat, then back to more digging.

My tiny garden so easily filled with weeds is beginning to take shape. Hard to weed if one cannot bend over to pull them due to arthritis then days of aching afterwards.

So, grass thrives in my little garden until my spirit kicks in and says, NO MORE! And it’s not work, it’s magic. Laying there beside the work zone on my side, the ache never comes, just a good night’s sleep and beauty the next morn.



Summer wraps her sweet, warm arms around me like a chocolate ball of gratitude covered peace. Thoughts of winter and its doldrums are chased away so two short months of golden sunshine penetrate fully.

The gardens surprise me daily with bursts of new flowers, not shabby for a beginner grown pro; the perennial daisy waying hello, the hollyhock showing off proudly, a tiny rabbit nibbling in the grass, as chipmunks run skittering across the rocks.

It’s quiet while sipping coffee interrupted only by a soft rain, as birds sing their morning greetings. Let worries go and sink deeply inside yourself to settle into the wonders discovered.