

I have published a book about the sexual abuse I experienced in childhood at the hands of brothers; how I survived, and how I found peace at last. I will post a free chapter each month on this blog until the entire book has been posted. I use a pseudonym only because it’s not about revenge but about healing, telling my truth, and finally lifting the unfair burden of shame. If you’d rather read it all at once, it’s available on Amazon: SHATTERED by Patricia J Grace.



…Dad died and chaos ruled….

The only girl in a family of seven brothers, Patricia Grace found her childhood violently stripped away in the wake of her father’s death. Her brothers became tormentors, using their little sister as an outlet for rage and lust. Her mother, reeling with grief and fighting to raise eight children on her own, turned a blind eye to the abuse. Patricia learned to play the loving sister, desperate to maintain the illusion of happy family even as the shame festered inside.

Now, after decades of silence, she is telling her truth. ‘Shattered’ is the astonishing story of a girl coming of age in a house of secrets, and her battle as an adult to make peace with the past. Patricia relays her struggles with weight, depression, and self-esteem with searing honesty and rich emotional depth. Her unsparing prose paints an intimate portrait of courage and hope in the bleakest of circumstances. More than a memoir, ‘Shattered’ is a testament to the healing power of truth-telling and the resilience of the human spirit.



DSCN3283 Hi! I’m an author, poet, artist, and photographer. I’ve heard it said that everyone has one good book inside of them. Mine erupted out of me with the help of my youngest son who needed to know the truth and had the strength to listen.

For the last ten years, I’ve lived in the country on a small plot of land near a creek with my husband and cat. Both sons have grown up, graduated from college and live their lives elsewhere. I am lucky to have two adorable grandchildren close enough to stay with Na Na and remind me what it is to be a child and run through the fields giggling.

When the water’s just right we take canoe rides, and even if we can’t, living here is quiet and peaceful, just how I like it. I’ve put in some gardens and my photography focuses on the flowers I’ve planted after teasing the unforgivable clay soil to grow anything, quite a chore.

I also fill my time pleasantly in my studio where I roll out raw clay with a giant rolling pin, then cook it in the kiln after glazing the tiles. I break it with a hammer putting it back together inside old frames I collect at tag sales or filling in a design cut out of wood with a jigsaw. Join me in my studio and gardens on Facebook to see the MOSAICS or FLOWER PHOTOGRAPHY.

Contact me at: patriciagrace536@gmail.com


62 thoughts on “About

    1. I’m glad! Me too!
      I was afraid offering my email might have put you off or that I might sound like a stalker! But you voiced such a loneliness in that post, a loneliness I relate to so well that I wanted to reach out to help ease the pain.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hello dear friend,
    Thank you for stopping by my site. I hope you found something interesting to read. We have common threads in life and blessed we came out in one piece. I’m following you to learn more about you’re coping skills. Have a great day. I hope you will visit again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, I will visit every time you write!
    I feel for once as if I am in one piece but pieced together much like my mosaics, jagged, sharp and broken brought together in love, smoothed out with delicate care, persistence and patience.
    Thank you for your kind words. I am touched more here with women I’ve never met more than most the people I’ve known over my 61 years.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Patricia, I’m so glad you recently began following my blog. I was drawn to the title of your blog and decided to check it out. I’m so glad I did. I’ve read a few chapters from your book and strength radiates from your words. It’s so nice to “meet” you. You follow some very interesting blogs as well and I plan to explore more of them when I get the chance.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog on healing from childhood abuse and for following. That’s what led me here. I am so sorry for the trauma that you suffered as a child. No matter how many times I learn of another’s abuse, I never cease to feel heartbroken for what has been endured. That’s one of the gems that has come out of my struggle I guess – deep empathy for others who have experienced brokenness. I look forward to getting to know you both here, and at my blog incrementalhealing.wordpress.com


    Liked by 2 people

  5. I am so happy you followed my blog and I was able to follow yours! You truly are an inspiration and thank you for not only sharing your story but for helping others along their journey. Your blog (and book) are a blessing to my life and I really am thankful to have this opportunity to read it.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I appreciate you following my blog, and I look forward to exploring yours. Based on your ABOUT page, it appears we might be in the same age bracket, and have shared some similar experiences. I’m still evolving in how I approach the subject in my blog, although these days, I’m fortunate to have found a level of peace and tranquility that I might not have believed possible. Often, my blog posts will reflect this chapter of my life, and less about my struggles to overcome the years of sexual abuse by my father. However, I’m also bipolar, so there are hills and valleys. Most days I’m just grateful that I survived, and look for ways to share some encouragement with others. Nice to meet you, and again, I do look forward to exploring your blog further.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I am a strong proponent for the need to have the ability to tell your own story, without it being censored or ridiculed or deemed inappropriate. Part of my healing process has included me telling my own story a number of different ways, sometimes with graphic detail, and sometimes with compassion, and other times with raging anger. My own healing journey required that someone out there validate that what had happened to me was unjust and horrific, and I truly don’t believe I could have found any sort of healing without the validation. Telling our stories not only helps us heal, but also helps others that are still moving through the beginning stages of healing. I’ve always admired anyone that was willing to put their story on the page. It’s a powerful way to reclaim something we’ve collectively lost, and I believe we all deserve to find some measure of peace. Stories help heal. Again, it was nice to meet you, and I look forward to future conversations.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. You are an inspiring and incredibly strong woman, I have enjoyed reading through the chapters of your book. Thank you for being so courageous in putting your story out there, it gives me so much more motivation to continue my own writing journey.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Those words hit ‘home’ and feel good to hear. Thank you. Good luck on your writing. I found it so cathartic.
      I had a lot of help, a son who asked each week, “When’s the next chapter Mom?”
      And a writing group of three that a friend and I started that met weekly at a cafe with soft comfy couches.
      So I had to cough up something each week, but I was ready, it came up like a volcano from deep within spewing out! I had met the two other writers at classes in the city, a neat old brick building that once was a police precinct years ago. So one step opened doors to many more.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank you for following my blog. I’ve been absent from it for a while, but I’m adding to it now. I look forward to reading your story, as I haven’t connected with many others who were raped by their brothers. I was raped by my older brother starting when I was 12. My younger brother only found out about it last summer when I told him (I turned 50 last fall). In any case, I’m happy to connect with another survivor who also happens to love photography (it’s my zen). My son is only 12 and he doesn’t know yet. I’ll tell him one day, when he’s older.

    My healing really kicked off with a bang about 4 years ago, and I’ve come a long way. Still a work in progress, and will be for life. Part of my healing involves that which was inflicted by a mentally ill mother. Can’t wait to blog about my most recent hypnotherapy session. It was mighty powerful and transformative.

    Bless you for putting yourself and your story out there!!

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    1. Just read a bit more. ” Struggles with weight, depression, and self-esteem” I can identify with every one of those. And within the past year in particular, have had some big breakthroughs in all of those. Still a work in progress, but doing much better.

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          1. Thank you for doing this. It will be very helpful to search through the posts. 🙂
            Btw I am teary eyed since I started reading the book. Is it all real circumstances? Sometimes it is so hard believe that a person, actually a small child went through all this.
            My heart is crying and praying for the child who went through something that no one should ever have. 😦
            I cant even begin to fathom how she braved those days of utter harassment and abuse. That small child who was just beginning to understand the meaning of life and death.

            Liked by 2 people

  9. I am sorry to read what you have gone through. You are incredibly brave and inspiring. I am glad that I have found your blog. I am looking to connect with others as I journey through my own healing experience. It is never easy and has been a long journey, but I guess I am just ready to heal. It is hopeful to see others on their own journey and further along than me.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi hurtnhealing: You may be interested in the Cyber Support Group blog, too. Hope, healing, and deliverance for childhood sexual abuse. Blessings to you as you go forth in your healing journey.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. No wonder you could speak with such compassion toward me! You do know what suffering is! I am so sorry to hear of your unthinkable abuse! You have such a sweet and tender heart, bought with such a very high price! It has been very meaningful to have our paths meet. I will read your words with the same sacredness and grace you have extended to me!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hi … I am so glad that I found your blog! I myself was sexually abused by my older brothers .. 2 of them from the age 5 until I was over 10 .. I am in the middle of writing my book called “alone in the closet” .. we have so much in common, and I am so blessed to have found your blog. I write in my blog about my healing in therapy and the process of moving through life each day being a adult victim of abuse from the past .. would love to connect with you …


    Finding The Grace Within

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