Shifting internal dialogue has taken decades, many, many years of therapy, but of late the resolution to a life of forever feeling bad has taken a turn towards lightness by being with myself in nature- the woods, the land, and me.

And it’s fleeting, as tomorrow my writing may be pain filled and down. But there are moments that have stretched into days where my internal world is gentle, loving, encouraging, and accepting of ME.

And it is more than a kinder voice, it is feeling wholly accepting of myself, more than OK, but that I too am a good person.

Raymond asks one day, “Good? That you are a good person?”, a psychiatrist who knew what he was doing, though pushing me into a career because I had the intelligence to do it might have been more about his being successful than me.

Though glad to have succeeded at such a feat because it paid for both sons education at a prestigious college and set them both on a burgeoning career in the technology field where they still work, the years it took me to accomplish it stressed my already overloaded nervous system.

Daily cortisol bursts from each challenge and the ever present fear of people caused my body to develop a syndrome of fatigue that cannot be repaired. It was worth it to see them thrive now, even if I don’t, not in that way, but in my own quiet way; learning to be with me and be OK, a place always run from before that I now inhabit fully.

Fractured, now whole, perhaps a bit bumpy, but whole.

It has always been about goodness, that I wasn’t, I was bad, abnormal, bad, bad, bad. The revelation that I am of good heart, as human as any with mistakes, flaws, and quirks? That it is more than just words? All new.

Every minute alive is one minute gone. Getting older one begins to realize that, that this moment is precious and living it feeling bad because I’ve been habituated to feel that way doesn’t have to be. I am learning otherwise, I am learning the truth.

The rabbits, soggy ground, icy earth, birds, and running water of the creek have taught me that. That being with me is the best place to be.  


James Webb Telescopic Image

It is a different life, a different view, a different ability to follow through with my goals of rising above the negative thinking plaguing me since childhood when adequate sleep prevails. What a miracle.

The lagging self-esteem, believing since the traumatic abuse that it was my fault, and that my very being was ‘bad’, is a daily challenge to confront, that nagging critic banging loudly over the whispers from my soul saying something different.

That all beings born are great and special, plants, animals, and people… that includes me, unique, glorious, and divine, as infinite as the universe.


She opens her arm to greet me, this goddess of morn, her cloak encircling her, the wavering, shimmering beams of fiery golds, reds, and oranges vibrating outward welcoming to the start of another day.

And the rounds in the meadow are mystical, magical, and fulfilling, each lap discovering more; the mist dissipating slowly from the creek’s waters, dew on the meadow grasses and flower blossoms, the fat little rabbit seen each morning in the path hopping away, and Bambi as he crosses the creek to other side, suddenly seeing me, staring, barking, then jumping away over the high foliage.

Another day yawns ahead without worries of job, children, or much of anything and shouldn’t that be a joy? Where did that joy go? Later Samuel pushes the pool cover over to dip in though the day wasn’t hot enough for me, yet his enjoyment pulled me out to risk it.

“The water’s warmer than the air,” he said, smiling.

Joining him, my mind in a whirl, not on the moment, my lamenting an oddity on a stellar summer day, he said, “Enjoy the moment!”

“Hey, that’s what I write on my blog every day!” I said.

“Well, read your own words,” he said, taking another plunge.

So, dipping in and out like a dolphin, shedding the negative dwellings with each dip, my body warmed in the bath-like water, sad memories unhooked floating up to the clouds… moments lived not wasted.

He loves me….

Milkweed where the Monarch’s like to cocoon, the scent as heavenly as lilacs…

Even meadow grass shines in the morning light…
A simple grass becomes the star…